Within 7 days from the LLC registration the board is required to submit a declaration to the registry that the share capital has been paid up, unless such declaration had been attached to the application of the registration of a company. Such declaration shall include information that all shareholders have transferred cash required to pay up the share capital. All members of the board shall sign such declaration. Submission of such declaration is subject to a court fee in the amount of PLN 40.
Payment of tax on civil law transactions (PCC) – LLC registration
The board shall sign correctly filled out PCC-3 declaration and submit it to a competent tax office. The amount of PCC shall be calculated individually and shall be paid within 14 days from the date the articles of association were signed. The tax basis is the amount of share capital reduced by the registration fee and publication fee in a court and commercial gazette. The tax rate is 0.5%.
When the forms for registration of a company in a company register are submitted such registration is made automatically. It takes usually a few days from the date of registration of a company in the register for the company to obtain REGON and NIP. When company is registered via s24 system, neither the tax office, nor statistical office send a notification that NIP or REGON has been assigned. The confirmation of NIP is in the registry excerpt of a company – available online, whereas REGON confirmation may be obtained from Statistic Office website. The confirmation that NIP and REGON have been assigned will be sent online, and will be available at s24 platform,
NIP-8 registration within 21 days
If the company is planning to make social security contributions, the deadline for registration is 7 days from the date from which the company is subject to social security contribution (for example from the date the employment contract is signed).
Submission of declaration to register for VAT purposes
Such declaration shall be submitted before the date the first activity subject to VAT is conducted. It shall be made before the company delivers goods or provides services.
Registration of Beneficial Owner part of LLC registration
Each entrepreneur acting within a limited liability company is obliged to be registered in the Central Beneficial Owners Register.
If you are interested in incorporating a company in Poland or have already registered a company and seek professional advice please feel free to contact us.
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